
Members of the Armed Forces in the framework of the UN military observers course learn how to manage stress

The three-week courses complete practical exercises at the training ground, during which students work out algorithms for the actions of a military observer during an attack and taking him hostage.

Classes are held in conditions as close to real as possible. At the same time, rather harsh interrogation methods are used. The purpose of modeling and losing such situations is to develop stress tolerance and the ability of military personnel to act in such situations during a peacekeeping mission in countries with unstable and crisis internal situation.

In addition, trainees perform tasks on air patrol, detection of improvised explosive devices and evacuation of wounded from a minefield, negotiating and investigating incidents, and much more.

It should be noted that the course program was developed by experienced instructors who have several UN peacekeeping missions in different countries. The three-week program is being tested and evaluated on the basis of the Center for Peacekeeping Operations.

In the future, the Center plans to invite experts from the United Nations to evaluate the course. If the program is approved and the course is accredited, it will make it possible to train certified military observers of international level.

Recall that before leaving for the training ground, the students passed a set of disciplines, the development of which will ensure the readiness of officers to successfully perform peacekeeping tasks as military observers.

The servicemen thoroughly studied the international legislation regulating peacekeeping activities, the status and duties of a military observer, the procedure for his actions in a crisis situation, as well as the organization of interaction with representatives of local authorities, the media, and with the warring parties to the conflict.

The result of the training course will be a control and integrated exercise, in which students will perform a set of peacekeeping tasks of UN military observers.