
From 4th to 8th June 2018, KAZCENT has conducted «Legal Aspects of Peace Support Operations» course

In accordance with the individual action plan of the Partnership between the Republic of Kazakhstan and NATO, instructors of the Partnership for Peace Training Center held a regular course on "Legal Aspects of Peacekeeping Operations" from 4 to 8 June 2018. The purpose of the course was to familiarize the servicemen of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan with the provisions and principles of international law and particular international humanitarian law applicable in UN peacekeeping operations.

The basis of the course was the material developed by the instructors of KAZСENT together with the representatives from the International Committee of the Red Cross in Central Asia (ICRC) and with the expert support of the faculty of the Defense Institute of International Legal Studies.
Brigadier-General Mirza Saleem Beig, Head of department of the International Peacekeeping Training Center in advancing the peace and stability in Pakistan, was invited to attend the course as an expert. Expert has familiarized the participants with the experience of Pakistan which was involved in UN peacekeeping since 1960. Also shared on his participation in two UN peacekeeping missions, and presented a lecture on the legal aspects, that is needed to know to the staff, which will participate under the auspices of the United Nations.

Establishment of KAZCENT’s cooperation with the International Center for Advancing the Peace and Stability in Pakistan will expand the areas of interaction in peacekeeping. It should be noted that, this course is not only a necessary element in the system of peacekeeping training of military personnel of the armed forces of Kazakhstan, but also it is a general system of overall training of the military personnel of Kazakhstan.
KAZCENT is the only center of the partnership in Central Asia which was recognized as a full member of the partnership training and education centers and as an important element of the system of international military cooperation. The main line of activity is to develop and conduct courses aimed on linguistic and peacekeeping training of servicemen of the armed forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, representatives of other law enforcement agencies of the Republic of Kazakhstan and partner countries.

Thus, the next "Legal aspects of peacekeeping" course will allow to carry out further qualitative training of the armed forces of Kazakhstan, representatives of other law enforcement agencies of Kazakhstan and the Central Asian region, as well as peacekeeping units before their departure to the UN mission, which will serve as a guarantor of the national obligations of the state arising from the ratification by the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan of the relevant international conventions covering the sphere of the law of armed conflicts.