
Military service: play with your strength side, not gambling

Classes on the prevention of ludomania, or gambling addiction, were held with the personnel of the Peace Operations Centre of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan (KAZCENT).

Professor of the Department of General and Applied Psychology of Al-Farabi Kazakh National University Zuhra Sadvakassova together with practicing psychologists explained to the peacekeepers about the causes of gambling addiction, their symptoms and consequences. Using life examples and facts, they told how to cope with this harmful addiction, about how it can affect their service and personal life.

During the training session, trainings were conducted with KAZCENT servicemen aimed at discussing the goals and ways to overcome various addictions, including ludomania. The participants of the training had the opportunity to discuss and clearly formulate their personal goals in the context of overcoming addictions, as well as to develop specific steps and strategies to achieve their goals.

– Ludomania, or gambling addiction, poses a serious threat to people's mental health, – explains First Lieutenant Sandi Smagulova, a psychological officer of the educational and ideological work service. – In the context of military service, where discipline, stress tolerance and concentration play an important role, ludomania can have devastating consequences.

It should be noted that the classes were organized as part of the psychological work carried out in the Armed Forces to prevent various addictions, including ludomania.