The aim of the seminar was to review the Law of armed conflict to the military personnel of Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan when conducting combat operations and carrying out peacekeeping operations.
24 person have taken part at the seminar including representatives from Air assault troops of Land Forces, KAZCENT, Center of military medicine of Ministry of Defense and also from Military departments of Kazakhstan University of the international relations and world languages and Kazakhstan national medical university.

This seminar which was organized and held by ICRC, allowed participants to get experience, the best practices and approaches, applied by the international humanitarian organization, in performance of international humanitarian law at armed conflicts. Besides that, participants had an opportunity to raise problematic issues, to discuss various legal subtleties of carrying out peacekeeping operations, to exchange opinions and to set up bilateral cooperation. In the view of fact that "The Law of armed conflict" seminar is necessary element of training of the military personnel before departure to the UN peacekeeping mission, it was also very useful both to the faculty of the Armed Forces of Republic of Kazakhstan, and to the military personnel of peacekeeping units of "KAZBAT" and "KAZBRIG".
Representatives of ICRC have expressed readiness to organize and conduct similar events for the military personnel of the Armed Forces of Republic of Kazakhstan on a regular basis.