
Visit of the representatives from the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland to the "Partnership for Peace" Training Centre (KAZCENT)

On September 18 of this year, representatives from British Armed Forces visited "Partnership for Peace" Training Centre to conduct briefing on UN peacekeeping mission in Lebanon (United Nations Interim Forces in Lebanon - UNIFIL). The delegation was headed by the Defense Attaché of Great Britain, Colonel Andrew Holton.
The purpose of the meeting was to present a briefing on Lebanon, as well as the UNIFIL peacekeeping mission in general. The visit began with a briefing on UNIFIL, where the mandate, the structure of the mission, the evolution of UNIFIL, the area of ​​operation (area of responsibility) and the "blue line", the problems and difficulties encountered by peacekeepers , the historical overview of the conflict were presented. Then, in detail, a briefing was given on history of Lebanon since independence, geographical location and climate, civil war, Israel's invasion and the emergence of a political and military regime called “Hezbollah”, which subsequently became the main force to counter Israel's invasion to Lebanon, aimed at building an Arab-Islamic state. The final briefing included slides on cultural features, religion and demography of the country, the economic and political state of Lebanon.
At the end of the meeting, representatives of the Great Britain thanked the Kazakhstani side for the opportunity to hold a briefing. The United Kingdom intends for further assistance in preparation of a peacekeeping contingent for the UN peacekeeping missions.