
Peacekeeping: UN experts assess Kazakhstan’s Contingent readiness

UN Department of Peace Operations experts have arrived to Kazakhstan on an advisory visit. The main purpose of the visit to the Peacekeeping Training Centre (KAZCENT) is to get acquainted with its activities and to determine the readiness of Kazakhstan "Blue Helmets" to participate in UN peacekeeping operations within the framework of the peacekeeping potential readiness system.

The experts have studied Peacekeepers’ educational program directions, including English Language and International Humanitarian Law courses.
Practical activities were demonstrated at Tlendiyev Training Area in Almaty region.
The Integrated unit has performed their tasks at checkpoints and observation posts, tasks on escorting humanitarian convoys, protecting important facilities, protecting civilians and patrolling the area.
The experts have assessed the unmanned aerial vehicle units’ operations, the technical capabilities of the UAVs, their ability to conduct surveillance and information gathering.
Specialists of engineer units have performed improvised explosive devices detection and their further disposal.
At the Military Medicine Center of the Ministry of Defence the UN experts have got acquainted with the medical training of the military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
In accordance with the results of the assessment and advisory visit, a preliminary assessment will be given to the level of preparedness of the peacekeeping contingent of Kazakhstan, including equipping with weapons, military and special equipment, medical, logistics and other equipment, with the possibility of further advancement in the readiness system of the UN peacekeeping capabilities.