
Kazakh peacekeepers have started an independent mission in the Golan Heights

A solemn ceremony of handing over the Organization's banner to the peacekeeping contingent of Kazakhstan took place at the Faouar peacekeeping base, located in the area of responsibility of the UN mission in the Golan Heights.

The event was attended by the head of the UN Disengagement Observer Force mission, Lieutenant General Kurmal Nirmal, and the heads of the peacekeeping contingents operating in its composition.

– It is a great honor to be the reserve of the commander of the mission, – said Lieutenant General Kurmal Nirmal, addressing the Kazakh military personnel. – You are entrusted with the most important tasks that require professional training and appropriate competencies. I am convinced that your unit, as well as the Irish peacekeeping contingent, will cope with the assigned mission at a decent level.

In a solemn ceremony at the general formation, the head of the Irish unit, Lieutenant Colonel Oliver Clear, handed over the UN flag to the commander of the Kazakh national contingent, Lieutenant Colonel Zhiger Aipov.

– Since the transfer of the UN flag, our unit has become a full participant in the mission in the Golan Heights. Now we are starting to perform the assigned tasks according to their intended purpose," commented Lieutenant Colonel Zhiger Aipov.

During the year, the Kazakh peacekeeping contingent will be engaged in patrolling the area, strengthening roadblocks and maintaining a ceasefire between the warring parties, and performing other tasks in accordance with the mandate of the UN mission.