
Legal literacy of military personnel is in the spotlight

The Peace Operations Centre of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan held classes aimed at improving the legal literacy of KAZCENT military personnel.

Military police officers of the Almaty regional garrison informed the personnel of the Centre in detail about the types of offenses and measures of responsibility for their admission by military personnel.

The head of the prevention department of the military police Department, Lieutenant Colonel of Justice Berik Jarasov, brought the provisions of the criminal Code concerning such offenses as unauthorized absence from a military unit, evasion or refusal to perform military service.

The head of the Administrative Practice Department, Lieutenant Colonel of Justice Asem Adambekova, held a preventive conversation with the peacekeepers on the topic of administrative legislation within the framework of the "New Year without Fines" campaign, as well as family and domestic violence.

– "Today in Kazakhstan, great attention is paid to the issues of fighting against domestic violence and protecting victims," explained Lieutenant Colonel of Justice Asem Adambekova. "Domestic violence is considered a serious crime, and punishment has been toughened at the legislative level to prevent it."

It should be noted that the event was organized within the framework of the interdepartmental program "Take care of Life", conducted in the country's law enforcement agencies.