
A pilot course of UN military observers with members of the Armed Forces has begun at the Peace operations Centre of the Ministry of Defense.

Previously, the training of officers to participate in UN peacekeeping operations as military observers was carried out abroad by foreign specialists.

This time, a three-week course program specially developed by the instructors should be tested and evaluated on the basis of the Peace operations Centre.

– In the future, we plan to invite experts from the United Nations to evaluate the course, – explains the senior officer of the center's teacher, Major Aybar Aktureev. – If the program is approved, the course will be accredited, this will give us the opportunity to train certified military observers of international level.

By the way, the course program provides for a whole range of disciplines, the development of which will ensure the readiness of officers to successfully perform peacekeeping tasks provided for by the UN mandate to conduct a peacekeeping operation as a military observer.

The servicemen will comprehensively study international legislation regulating peacekeeping activities, the status and duties of a military observer, the procedure for his actions in a crisis situation, as well as the organization of interaction, both with representatives of local authorities, the media, and with the warring parties to the conflict.

In addition to theory, military personnel will take practical classes covering a wide range of skills that a military observer should possess. Starting from driving four-wheel drive SUVs with a manual transmission in various types of terrain and weather conditions, ending with the skills of recognizing improvised explosive devices and evacuating the wounded from minefields.

Also, future military observers will undergo a course of survival, medical training, as well as an algorithm of actions during an attack, ambush, hostage taking and much more.

The result of the training course will be a comprehensive control exercise, in which students will practically perform a set of peacekeeping tasks of UN military observers, using various techniques and methods of their implementation. At the same time, the ability of military personnel to skillfully act in various non-standard situations and conduct surveillance in a complex and sharply changing environment (patrolling by road and by helicopter) will be tested.