
KAZCENT took part in the annual PTEC Market place

The annual Partnership Training and Education Centre Marketplace took place on 29 November 2018 at NATO Headquarters in Brussels, Belgium. High-level representatives from 23 Partnership Training and Education Centres from around the world met to exchange expertise, forge new links and discuss further synergies in the key domain of military education and training.

NATO Deputy Secretary General Rose Gottemoeller, Chairman of the Military Committee Air Chief Marshal Sir Stuart Peach and NATO School Oberammergau Deputy Commandant Colonel Joachim Schreckinger opened the event. They highlighted Partnership Training and Education Centres’ proactive engagement in implementing NATO’s large spectrum of priorities.
The PTEC Marketplace allows participants to present and explain their education and training achievements, promote their respective Centres, and display the community’s cooperative efforts in the field of education and training.
“The PTEC community is constantly working to improve the network of education and training facilities. This helps to connect both Allied and partner forces and increase the cooperation to address common security challenges.