
A company of Kazakh peacekeepers arrived in the Golan Heights

The servicemen of the Armed Forces flew from the territory of Kazakhstan to the Syrian capital Damascus, from where they marched on motor vehicles to the Faouar peacekeeping base.

Military equipment and property designed to carry out tasks to maintain a ceasefire between the warring parties have also been delivered to the location of the base. The Kazakh detachment consists of 139 military personnel.

The personnel of the national contingent is engaged in accommodation and accommodation. The company headquarters is working on the acceptance of cases and clarifying the functionality of the reserve company of the commander of the UN Disengagement Observer Force mission.

– Everything is going according to plan. On Sunday, we will hold classes with the personnel on the content of the tasks facing the peacekeepers, and on Monday we will begin their practical training," said Lieutenant Colonel Zhiger Aipov, commander of the Kazakh peacekeeping contingent.

Participation in peacekeeping missions is an important component of training that contributes to improving the combat skills of military personnel. The peculiarity of this mission is independence. Previously, our peacekeeping contingent served in units of other countries.

The unit is equipped with armored wheeled vehicles, KAMAZ trucks, a minibus and SUVs necessary for patrolling in areas of responsibility, organizing checkpoints, protecting a peacekeeping base and ensuring compliance with peace agreements.