
Kazakh peacekeepers have completed a course of operational psychodiagnostics

A special five-day special course on training in responding to manifestations of extremism and terrorism was held on the basis of the peace operations Centre of the Ministry of Defense.

During the implementation of a peacekeeping mission in countries with an unstable internal political situation, military personnel may face a negative reaction from the local population. Therefore, they need the skills to identify destructive elements with the help of operational psychodiagnostics. It allows you to analyze facial expressions, gestures of people, to understand and identify hidden emotions and motives, to make a psychological portrait.

– By appearance, physiognomy, the course students will be able to diagnose the characterological features of a person, identify a potential terrorist, – explained the essence of the training psychologist, teacher-practitioner Akmaral Abdukeeva. – This, in turn, will give them the opportunity to promptly take appropriate measures to respond and control in a given possible situation.

In addition, the military personnel were presented with materials on the basics of forensic explosives, external signs of a terrorist, taught how to search and identify a person by a verbal portrait in crowded places.

– Possession of such skills can help to calculate in advance the provocateur and his true intentions in the crowd, – explains First lieutenant Sandi Smagulova, a psychological officer at the peace operations Centre. – Which means to prevent a threat to the civilian population with negative consequences.

After theoretical classes and trainings, the servicemen consolidated their knowledge in practice by working out training tasks for filtering the population at a checkpoint and searching motor vehicles.

Upon completion of the course, the students were issued appropriate certificates.