
The next English language course has started

Another English language course for more than seventy Armed Forces of Kazakhstan servicemen has started at the Peace Operations Centre of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan (KAZCENT).

The training program specially developed by the teaching staff of the KAZCENT Language Training Department is based on American English and British English languages.

«We took the best from both programs, combined and adapted them into a single system», explains Lieutenant Colonel Ratmir Kustybaev, the Head of the Language Training Department of the Centre. «Everything is done so that our students can not only learn the language more deeply, but also have more productive and versatile speaking skills upon completion of the course, which should help them in the future while working in a multinational environment».

Classes are conducted under the guidance of experienced teachers from among the professional linguists of the educational language centres of Almaty, as well as military personnel of the Centre who have completed advanced training courses abroad. They are actively introducing new methods, improving standards in the field of language education, hence increasing the effectiveness of language training for peacekeeping missions.

The students have already started to take practical classes, which include independent work on audio and video materials, as well as completing teacher assignments.

This course provides participants with the necessary language skills to successfully participate in peacekeeping missions, and is also a foundation for improving the professional level of students.

It should be noted that in 2023, more than two hundred servicemen have been trained on the basis of KAZCENT in various language programs.