
In Almaty, members of the Parliament were acquainted with the activities of the Peace Operations Center

The event was attended by the Deputy Minister of Defense, Lieutenant General Sultan Kamaletdinov, who, along with the parliamentarians, visited the center's facilities.

The visitors toured the conference hall and the training building, where they were briefed on the main activities of the Peace Operations Center (KAZCENT).

This center conducts peacekeeping and language training for military, police, and civilian personnel participating in UN missions.

Colonel Bauyrzhan Nigmetullin, the Head of the Peace Operations Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan, conducted a detailed briefing during which the deputies received answers to questions about further development and expansion of peacekeeping activities.

"In compliance with the President's directives, the Minister of Defense has set the task of enhancing the potential of the Kazakhstani peacekeeping contingent for participation in UN-mandated missions. In this regard, we are constantly improving skills and their training. The contingent has undergone high-quality and all-around training, being provided with all necessary assets, weapons, and military equipment," specified B. Nigmetullin. "Currently, we are expecting the UN assessment group. After the assessment, we will be fully prepared to carry out tasks during peacekeeping operations."

During a visit to the "Bitimger" training center, the deputies familiarized themselves with the specifics of training the national contingent for participation in UN peacekeeping missions, inspected weapons, military equipment and assets.

At the training ground, peacekeepers demonstrated tasks related to ensuring the security of the peacekeeping base, organizing checkpoints, and patrolling. Scenarios were simulated, showing the actions of personnel during mortar shelling of the base, providing first aid in case of injury, and evacuating the wounded, as well as neutralizing improvised explosive devices using specialized engineering robotics.

Senator Zhanna Asanova, a member of the Committee on International Relations, Defense and Security of the Parliament, shared her opinion on the visit to KAZCENT's facilities and the capabilities created for peacekeeping contingent training:

"Peacekeeping activities are an important element for building dialogue between countries, strengthening diplomatic ties, and overall contributing to peace. Today, we have seen that our peacekeepers are combat-ready, physically fit, and well-versed in languages. At the Peace Operations Center, all necessary conditions have been provided for servicemen to acquire the required knowledge," she remarked.

It should be noted that the Ministry of Defense is considering the deployment of Kazakhstani contingent in UN peacekeeping mission in the Golan Heights.

The visit concluded with a tour of the KAZCENT museum, where the deputies familiarized themselves with expositions depicting the history of peacekeeping development in Kazakhstan.