
Kazakhstani peacekeepers have returned from Lebanon

The ninth peacekeeping contingent of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan has completed its participation in the United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon (UNIFIL) mission.

Over the six months, the servicemen performed tasks as part of the Indian peacekeeping battalion in the "East" sector. They conducted foot, mobile, and aerial patrols in their designated areas, organized checkpoints, guarded the peacekeeping base, and ensured compliance with peace agreements.

The contingent was welcomed by the personnel of the Peace Operations Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan (KAZCENT), headed by the Deputy Chief of the Center - Chief of Staff Colonel Bakhytzhan Zhetpisov, as well as their relatives and loved ones.

The peacekeeping unit commander captain Farkhat Akbaliev believes that despite the challenging situation in the region where they had to serve, the unit's personnel coped admirably with their assigned tasks.

"Of course, we returned to our homeland with great satisfaction and joy, where our relatives and loved ones are waiting for us," shared Farkhat Akbaliev. "During the extended deployment, some servicemen of our unit became fathers."

Since October 2018 and up to the present, the Kazakhstani peacekeeping contingent, including military observers and staff officers has been participating in the UNIFIL mission. During this period, more than 500 servicemen have served in Lebanon and gained valuable experience.

As a reminder, just recently, the tenth peacekeeping contingent of the Armed Forces of Kazakhstan replaced the departing peacekeepers in the Republic of Lebanon and has already begun fulfilling tasks within the UN mission in Lebanon.