
The peacekeeping contingent is ready to leave for the Golan Heights

Recently, a Memorandum of Understanding was signed at the UN headquarters in New York between the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the United Nations for the deployment of a peacekeeping contingent to the UN Disengagement Observer Force (UNDOF) mission in the Golan Heights.

For the first time, the United Nations has given Kazakhstan a mandate to independently deploy and carry out a peacekeeping mission. The Kazakh contingent consists of 139 military personnel. Our peacekeepers will carry out tasks to maintain a ceasefire between the warring parties in accordance with the mandate of the UN mission.

To carry out the mission, Kazakh military personnel have been carefully selected and trained in accordance with the requirements and standards of the United Nations. Comprehensive six-month training was organized on the basis of the Peacekeeping Operations Center of the Ministry of Defense. The instructors of the centers for peacekeeping operations, mine clearance and military medicine participated in the training of military personnel.

The servicemen studied English, the rules of the use of force, the norms of international and humanitarian law. In practice, the tasks of ensuring the protection of the peacekeeping base, organizing checkpoints, patrolling, defusing explosive devices, providing assistance and evacuation were worked out.

To improve practical skills and operational compatibility with the officers of the contingent headquarters, military decision-making classes were held at the operational and tactical level. According to experts, the personnel of the contingent showed a high level of training and motivation.

The Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan has implemented a large set of measures to comprehensively provide the mission with modern weapons and military equipment in accordance with UN standards.

The contingent has armored wheeled vehicles equipped with combat modules, as well as the necessary life support equipment. They also have KAMAZ trucks, high-traffic vehicles and engineering equipment. One of the vehicles, converted for the evacuation of the wounded, is equipped with an oxygen apparatus, a defibrillator, medicines and other medical equipment.

Upon completion of the mission, the military personnel of the peacekeeping contingent will be paid three times the monthly salary. In addition, they will receive more than 1,448 US dollars per month from the UN budget. After completing their service in the mission, military personnel can count on sanatorium treatment and annual 14 days additional to the main vacation.

In general, the Armed Forces of Kazakhstan are ready to allocate individual military personnel to peacekeeping missions as military observers and staff officers, as well as the most in-demand specialized units: infantry, medical, intelligence, engineering.

It should be added that over the past sixteen years, more than 600 Kazakhstani servicemen have participated in seven UN peacekeeping missions in Asia, the Middle East and Africa. Currently, 19 Kazakhstani servicemen are serving in the UN peacekeeping missions in the Lebanese Republic, Western Sahara, the Democratic Republic of the Congo and the Central African Republic.