
Parliament approves sending Kazakh military to participate in UN missions

In accordance with the invitation of the United Nations, from March 2024, it is planned to deploy the first independent national peacekeeping contingent of Kazakhstan in the amount of 139 military personnel with their military equipment, weapons and property as a reserve company to the mission "UN Disengagement Observer Force in the Golan Heights". To do this, an international agreement will be concluded with the United Nations, defining the obligations of the parties, as well as issues of financial and logistical support for the participation of the contingent in the mission. As part of the contingent, 7 women will carry out the mission together with male military personnel. Of these, 2 shooters-orderlies, 1 sniper, 2 cooks – and 2 medical workers.

The Parliament approved the deployment of military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which should not exceed 430 people, to participate in several UN missions. These are the "UN Disengagement Observer Force in the Golan Heights", the "UN Armistice Monitoring Body" (UNTSO, Palestine-Israel), the "UN Mission in the Republic of South Sudan" (UNMISS, South Sudan) and the "UN Interim Security and Abyei Force" (UNISFA, Sudan).

Since 2014, 67 Kazakhstani officers have participated in UN missions in Western Sahara, Côte d'Ivoire'Ivory Coast, Mali, the Central African Republic and Lebanon. Since 2018, 538 Kazakhstani servicemen have participated in the UN Interim Force in Lebanon mission as part of a peacekeeping unit. Currently, six Kazakhstani officers in Western Sahara, two officers in the Central African Republic, two officers in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, and nine military personnel in Lebanon are serving in UN missions.

"When forming a national contingent, commissions of units, military units, formations, military educational institutions subordinate to the Ministry of Defense are appointed for the selection of military personnel. Military personnel are trained at the Peace Operations Center of the Ministry of Defense of the Republic of Kazakhstan, which is located in Almaty. On the basis of the center, military personnel undergo an intensive course in peacekeeping training. Future peacekeepers intensively master the English language, field medicine, radio communications, knowledge about mines, improvised explosive devices and unexploded shells, rules of use of force, and also study the norms of international and humanitarian law," Ruslan Zhaksylykov said.

Kazakhstan has been a full member of the United Nations since March 2, 1992. Throughout this time, the republic has been fruitfully cooperating with the UN system and demonstrating its full commitment to the goals and principles of the Organization's Charter. Kazakhstan, as a member of the United Nations, on an equal basis with other States, is responsible for maintaining peace and security on the planet.

Sending a contingent to UN peacekeeping missions not only makes a significant contribution to strengthening international security, but also contributes to enhancing the role of Kazakhstan in the global arena.

Recently, the UN inspection team conducted a comprehensive check of the state of the material and technical base and the level of training of Kazakhstani military personnel. Following its results, the Organization's experts noted the high level of training of the personnel of the peacekeeping contingent of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the professionalism of the instructors of the Peacekeeping Operations Center.

The expansion of the geography of participation of Kazakhstan's military personnel in UN peacekeeping missions testifies to the firm intention of our republic to provide support to people suffering from military and humanitarian crises. Thanks to the participation of Kazakhstani peacekeepers, the UN has the opportunity to find a peaceful solution to conflicts between the parties.

Peacekeepers of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Kazakhstan have been guarding peace and security since the formation of the Kazakh Armed Forces. Many Kazakhstani servicemen have been awarded medals for their personal contribution to peacekeeping and have commendations from the mission command.

During this time, our military personnel have gained practical experience in countering modern threats. Of particular relevance are the issues of further strengthening the combat readiness of troops and gaining practical experience.

Kazakhstan's participation in peacekeeping operations is a necessary and extremely important component of military training. This approach is used by many countries.