
Officer from «Partnership for Peace» training centre took part in OCC E&F Database Training Course (DTC) 2018

The OCC E&F Database Training Course (DTC) 2018 was organized by SHAPE MPD within the framework of the NATO Operational Concept Program that was conducted in Baku (Azerbaijan) 17-19 April 2018. The DTC aim was to train on the use of the OCC E&F Database Tool in preparation and providing of an OCC evaluations.
The "DTC" is one of the main elements in conducting evaluations of units. It is a tool for collecting, processing and exchanging information when conducting unit inspections. The program contains modules for planning, execution, and sending report materials.
Officer from «PFP» training center Maj. Tulessov Yermek took part in this course along with participants from 25 NATO nation and partner countries.